Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hey wassup??? this is my blog. and see this really cute Cat? well she actually looks kinda creepy here but she is more cute in other pics.
Well we didnt actually buy her or anything we had 2 adopt her cuz she is a stray. the story is Cheree was at my house and then this cat comes running out of nowhere and jumps in my lap and starts purring really loud. so cheree and i played with her for like 30 minutes and then chere left but the cat stayed. But she never left she slept on our porch all night so we made her a bed out of a towel. in the morning she was still there! But she came back every single day and never left. so 3 weeks l8r we took her to Petsmart and they said she had a microchip with the people's phone # on it so we called and they said they lost her like 3 months ago and didnt realize until a week ago. soooo sad! but that now they have dogs so they couldnt take her so now she is ours. And we love her.

But she always sleeps with her legs wide open lol

Soooooooooo cute!

By the way her name is Sophie

this is when she had a collar she has lost 8 or 9 collars so we just stopped buying her any.

in this pic she is on her very own window seat it used to b my family's until she claimed it and bites u if u sit on it.

but she bites a lot

she is sooo sleepy in this pic

This is my tv chair but she took over. Bye